Friday, April 29, 2011


so, today, I was like I'M GONNA TAKE SOME CUTIE-PIE PICTURES OF ENTEI FOR MINJIJIJI'S BLOG~~~ cos the world needs more entei loving dude!! i love entei so much ASLKDFHASKDJFHASKFD~


anyways, i like, dk what to do with my life cos i ttly want ANOTHER entei plush so i can love him and keep this one all minty fresh and what not, but i allsooooo want a dialga and i alsoooo want a giratina!!
uhmmm, millionaire status, plz come to me now!!

also, i forgot to mention in the last post, but i purchased some awesome stickers!! i'll be getting 3 enteis, a suicune, a ho-oh and a lugia. :) i felt kinda bad not getting the raikou sticker.. BUT I JUST DON'T LIKE RAIKOU OK. I JUST DK. HE'S JUST UGLY. I CAN'T STAND HIM SOBBUUUUASJDFHASLKFHASKFHASKFHALKFH....